
Showing posts from March, 2018

kyoto protocol.

Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement are one of the important conferences held in the world on climate change issue. The start up of these awareness about environmental troubles at International conference at Rio De Janero in 1992. In that conference, it is decided that to conduct COP meeting  every year. COP meetings are the Conference of Parties, which includes meetings by contries. The agreement of Kyoto protocol was sign in COP3 held in 1997 at Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto means qouta. Countries who had signed the agreement given a specific ammount of quota for emission of carbon. It was implemented in 2005 under three categories such as  emission trading, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) & Joint Implementation (JI).  The target behind this agreement was that industrialized nations to reduce their GHG emission by 5.2% by 2012.        United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC) taken initiative in COP21 meeting held in 2015. It was the biggest conference ever held in COP. Total


Wired magazine is American magazine, published in march/april 1993 which is emerge science, technology, culture, economy. The owner of this magazine is Conde naste who is the publisher, Entrepreneur, and publisher of brands such as vanity fair, vogue. Wire have readers more than 30million including online readers. This magazine always tried to uncover the mystery of technology. Wired organize the live event also. The headquarter of San Francisco, California.  The wire magazine was founded by Louise Rossetto and his partner Jane Metcalf. Wired claimed itself as 'rolling stone of technology '. The magazine won two national awards for general excellence and on for design. The contributor appeared on cover William Gibson whose article  'Disneyland with the Death plenty" got banned in Singapore. The first issue got an advertisement of revolutionary technology companies like Apple Computer, Intel, Sony and Calvin Klein. This American magazine has many different websi

Democracy in India

What is democracy? George Bernard Shaw quoted, " democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed better than we deserve."   India in the name of democracy, Politicians who are charged with three cases of murder ten cases of attempted murder, house trespass causing hurt and mischief is might every MP guilty. Kidnapping with an attempt of murder, wrongful confinement causing hurt by means of poison, dacoity with intent too cause and so on this is not something that is incidental this is to do this fact that in large parts of central and northern India. If you are a crime boss and need representation in the state assembly with the MLA's and you need it in the Lok Sabha with the MPs. make every effort to take over democracy. That what has happened to a large extent. Here is an extreme condition in case of corruption. This problem of corruption is not something that is comical for the people at the top of the pile it also extends right down at the roots of the In

Aurangabad towards smart city.

So the kind of imagination that we heard is smart city is world class technology. Better than the best, world class water system, world class mobility. In all humanity was completely impressed especially the talk on technology. It seems to overwhelm the entire imagination of the city. But even then something is  missing quite honestly if we going to create an orchestra and bring best musician from all over the world , some from India, some from America and Africa and in the absence of unifying score or a conductor they sing or play this a risk of cacophony. Individually brilliant but together still a cacophony of brilliance.  That is the point i felt when I think more about smart cities. What is the integrating principle? How does it all come together? So in front of me another fundamental come across, that is what is smart? When do we call something, which is non-living may it's a product or a process or a system, when do we called it smart? And i got the answer when something

Impact of justice Loya case current discussion on credibility and sovereignty of Indian Judiciary

For the first times in Indian history, a Supreme Court judge came in front of media for press conference which has never happened. Four senior judge of SC - justice Gogoi, Justice Chelameshwar, Justice Joseph, justice Lokur. What was their compulsion to do something in front of media which has never happened in Indian history. A propaganda campaign has been started against them. They are calumniated and defamed. These four judges stated in the press conference that country's democracy is in danger. Since judiciary is an independent pillar of democracy & attempts are being made to pitch and seize it. They've accused chief justice of India (CJI) Deepak Mishra of bench fixing. That is whichever politically controversial case comes under them, he selectively passes them to such judges repeatedly who shall give favourable judgement. This has happened multiple times not just once. Judges stated that Justice Loya's case is tipping point. The case of Justice Loya is heate

Agrarian Crisis

Lal Bahadur Shastri gave a slogan of " Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" because they both are somehow the reason of the life we are living. But the farmers of India suffered a lot in past decades. The increasing number of poverty of farmers, loans and suicides. The reason of this problems mostly is man maid. The global warming that resulted in climate change. The Indian farmer who depended on the monsoon left disturbed.In monsoon, some region of flood and some region is suffering from drought. India is land of agriculture and 70% people directly rely on it but the loss of economy is the reason that 70% shifted to 60%. The Vidarbha and Marathwada is the places were farmers suicides are getting increased. The failed of farmers caused by drought, flood, use of pesticides in wrong way, public health and depression. The GM seeds are claimed as one of the reasons for farmer suicides. The BT cotton seed cost twice as compare to normal seeds, and the failure of this seeds makes a loss of the

Instability in Maldives and its impact on the India-Maldives relationship.

The Maldives is popularly known as a tourist place, situated in the Arabian Sea. But know the climate change and increasing sea level issues are becoming the identity of Maldives. The Maldives is drowning.  Not only the natural problems but now political issues arose in the Maldives. Maldivian politics are getting baffled. Instability in Maldivian politics is the reason for emergency issued by President Abdul Yameen. The internal political issue started in 2012, now in 2018 is heading towards the worse. After 30 years of dictatorship of Abdul Gayum. In 2008, Maldives held its first democratic elections. Mohammad Nasheed became the first President who elected by democratic elections. But after 4 years things went wrong when h order against the judge accused of corruption in 2012. This decision led towards problematic situation for President Mohammad Nasheed and military opposed him.  This resulted in the resignation of President Mohammad Nasheed. After this, in 2013 President Yameen


Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive politically incorrect or "inconvenient" as determined by government authorities or by community consensus. - Wikipedia India is a democratic nation and every citizen has freedom of expression, speech and chooses their way to live life. But these rights are somehow suppressed under the censorship issues. India is multicultural country and every citizen has different values, culture and people might get offended about some content that is shown in TV, books, movies, songs, newspapers, radio, internet and etc. But censorship took itself to another level in India, which is quite questionable. Why we need censorship? Maybe we find every possible way to getting offensive. Censorship is to sustain the content not to cut the whole thing just because Indian government think that truth might hurt feelings of some grou

Plastic free World

The world has to suffer from rather an odd affliction that has incurable symptoms, doctors are still working on its name but there currently calling it 'Plastic Itis'.  The world has to wear plastic free goggles, which is walking into a room and identifying where those pesky pieces of plastic could be eliminated and replaced with reusable and sustainable alternatives. But we are in an age where most people living their lives blissfully unaware of the mountain of trash they're living in the midst. Somehow we are an addict of consuming plastic and other throwaway items with fervour because they added convenience to our lives.  We never thought about all plastics that we have gotten involved at some point. What happened to it? Where is it now? Is it in a landfill buried deep under the thousands of other pieces of plastics? Has it been incinerated its toxic fumes long gone into the atmosphere? Or worse, has it caused harm to another living creature? Plastic was first i

History for what?

Humanity works on the cycle of rebirths and we are at the crossroads of new ones. And now our life becomes more digitalize by each passing day. And we are adopting it very fast. But the question is always remains that why we need history? We are spreading our arms towards future we care about it planning for it. We are giving our 100% to present to secure future, then why past? Why we need to look back and learn from past? Why we need history as a subject in schools? What is history? Voltaire said “history is the lie that everyone agrees on” because we preserve past write it, save it, we know this past will always remain same. It takes lots of efforts to change it or prove history wrong. When we are in history class the lecture becomes the class of active imagination the class were we living the past, we were building our perspective. Attending a history class is an act of creation. But it doesn’t mean that every history book has same stories, you can’t expect Japanese and America