kyoto protocol.

Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement are one of the important conferences held in the world on climate change issue. The start up of these awareness about environmental troubles at International conference at Rio De Janero in 1992. In that conference, it is decided that to conduct COP meeting  every year. COP meetings are the Conference of Parties, which includes meetings by contries. The agreement of Kyoto protocol was sign in COP3 held in 1997 at Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto means qouta. Countries who had signed the agreement given a specific ammount of quota for emission of carbon. It was implemented in 2005 under three categories such as  emission trading, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) & Joint Implementation (JI).  The target behind this agreement was that industrialized nations to reduce their GHG emission by 5.2% by 2012.
       United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNCCC) taken initiative in COP21 meeting held in 2015. It was the biggest conference ever held in COP. Total 179 countries were attended and EU ( European Union). This agreement was implemented in November,2016. Various issues related to environment we're discussed in the agreement. Increasing temperature is now became the biggest international crisis. The temperature of Earth is increasing by 0.6per year which is resulting in the melting of glaciers. This is very harmful to islands like Maldives. The objective of this agreement keep temperature increase well below 2C & if possible below 1.5C. There all nations taken pledged to reduce emission. These are known as “intended nationally determined contributions”, or INDCs.


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