Aurangabad towards smart city.

So the kind of imagination that we heard is smart city is world class technology. Better than the best, world class water system, world class mobility. In all humanity was completely impressed especially the talk on technology. It seems to overwhelm the entire imagination of the city. But even then something is  missing quite honestly if we going to create an orchestra and bring best musician from all over the world , some from India, some from America and Africa and in the absence of unifying score or a conductor they sing or play this a risk of cacophony. Individually brilliant but together still a cacophony of brilliance.
 That is the point i felt when I think more about smart cities. What is the integrating principle? How does it all come together? So in front of me another fundamental come across, that is what is smart? When do we call something, which is non-living may it's a product or a process or a system, when do we called it smart? And i got the answer when something adapts and evolve, when itself heal, when itself corrects it has the ability to sense and response. It has ability to grow so it linked in my mind when a non-living starts displaying these  attributes than we can safely said it is smart.  So the context of smart city  its not just human centred, it's not just economy centred, its just not technology centred because these are the popular imaginations. Its life centred. So we can't just allow any city to be called smart because it have some bells and whistles of technology.
 when Aurangabad included that 100 cities are going to smart city. The question in my mind is again pop up, that are set our mind to adapt change and more important keep it same? Because Aurangabad is industrial hub of Marathwada, Aurangabad has every type of industries. Aurangabad has the tourist place known for heritage sites. So it is very difficult to Aurangabad to adapt  sustainable and eco-friendly life.
The question is also arises that Aurangabad failed to fulfil some basic needs of citizen, so how long it will take to touch the all corners and fit into the parameter of smart city ? The city doesn't have proper transportation, people are here have more personal vehicles and Aurangabad has less public buses or public transportations. The roads are narrow and destructed. The large amount of personal vehicles and rickshaws how can contribute in making Aurangabad into a smart city?  The basic need of human to survive is water. But city is facing the basic need of water. At some point the citizen have to rely on tankers and bore wells.
The increasing number of immigrants needed place and plans. The most of the students came here to study and job. As the city has industries so resulted many people came here with carrying hope. But poor organized city somehow disappoint them.  The city is expansive to live with low standards and more difficulties.
Smart city concept is somehow based on the sustainable development. And low carbon consumption. But the city is breathing carbon in very big amount.  the city is neither sustainable or nor eco-friendly. The garbage management of Aurangabad is worse than we can imagine. The roads and dustbins are overflowed and the system is failed to manage them. The garbage disposal is the serious issue in the city. The garbage is raising the issue of health in public.

The plan of smart city has a logo of a caterpillar. This logo suits the concepts of smart city it came with hidden massage that a city can't became a smart city until it  changes it ways. Its important to Aurangabad to change its way economically, politically, by fossil fuels and so on. To became a butterfly.  


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