Agrarian Crisis

Lal Bahadur Shastri gave a slogan of " Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" because they both are somehow the reason of the life we are living. But the farmers of India suffered a lot in past decades. The increasing number of poverty of farmers, loans and suicides. The reason of this problems mostly is man maid. The global warming that resulted in climate change. The Indian farmer who depended on the monsoon left disturbed.In monsoon, some region of flood and some region is suffering from drought. India is land of agriculture and 70% people directly rely on it but the loss of economy is the reason that 70% shifted to 60%. The Vidarbha and Marathwada is the places were farmers suicides are getting increased. The failed of farmers caused by drought, flood, use of pesticides in wrong way, public health and depression. The GM seeds are claimed as one of the reasons for farmer suicides. The BT cotton seed cost twice as compare to normal seeds, and the failure of this seeds makes a loss of the economy of a farmer and led to suicide. The suicide of farmer and, an agricultural crisis is a threat to the food security.
30million people had starved died in China because of starvation between 1958-61. and in India 1965-1966 there was back to back drought like 2014 and 2015. those were the times, the good thing is bad time gives good policies. Because of crisis situation can't be allowed to afford to doze off, therefore, some major policy decision takes to import healing varieties of dwarf wheat 18,000 tons from Mexico. Larmour oho and Sonora these are the two varieties which were imported and they were distributed in Punjab, Haryana, western Up and within 4years first crop that came in 67 in Punjab. There was a literally burst of grain and the food co-operation of India which procured that didn't have a place to store it. And in 1971 the country was talking about self-sufficiency in food grains. India doesn't need PL 480 from the US and all the history of so-called looming starvation from 1965-66 that was made a history by one big decision that was taken creative disruption of technology was imported from outside which later on as the 'The green revolution of India'. If we look at that impact of that over years, three years between 2012-13 and 2014 India exported 60million tons cereals on an average 20million ton per year. The country starving through technology 2012-13 and 2014 India is the largest exporter of rice in the world and a significant exporter of wheat and corn. This is what technology did.
At the same point, people is also a thing about organic ventures but the organic has doubled the price. The people of bottom can't afford it that's the challenge we have.  But what is happening India may be the biggest exporter of rice but in a way, we are exporting water from this country. Because one litre of rice means about 5000 litres of water. Similarly, the case with the sugar, in Maharashtra 1kg sugar means 2000 litres of water. And exporting of this crops India is a net exporter of water in a country that is prone so much of drought and seen the lack of drinking water in Marathwada had to be ferried through so-called 'Jal dut' or water trains. The challenge is now how to raise productivity in a sustainable manner which doesn't put pressure on the scarce natural resources. Water is going to become a bigger major problem. 
Agrarian crisis is trouble for India and adapting technology is the only way. Sustainably modifying technology is what the farmers of India need it. Its time to accept the concept of 'Brown Revolution'  where the farmers to study the soil and make it fertile.


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