Democracy in India

What is democracy?
George Bernard Shaw quoted, " democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed better than we deserve."
 India in the name of democracy, Politicians who are charged with three cases of murder ten cases of attempted murder, house trespass causing hurt and mischief is might every MP guilty. Kidnapping with an attempt of murder, wrongful confinement causing hurt by means of poison, dacoity with intent too cause and so on this is not something that is incidental this is to do this fact that in large parts of central and northern India. If you are a crime boss and need representation in the state assembly with the MLA's and you need it in the Lok Sabha with the MPs. make every effort to take over democracy. That what has happened to a large extent. Here is an extreme condition in case of corruption. This problem of corruption is not something that is comical for the people at the top of the pile it also extends right down at the roots of the Indian society. There are many cases that people were murdered just because they failed to bribe. There is further another association does criminalization, corruption and crucially there is nepotism. One of the most shocking things was that the incidence of nepotism has grown. If look closely at the heredity and age. And look at MPs over the age of 80 none of them got their because of their family background.  But on the other hand MPs in the age of 30, the graph goes to the fullest. They do not achieve that seat because of talent the reason behind it was who is their parents are. This problem going worse since the 2004 and 2009 elections. India has effectively suborning and corrupting the process of democracy. Democracy, as it is practiced in India today, is a potentially fatal weakness, it is an Achilles heel. No one can simply ignore the scale of that problem you can't purely talk in theory about practice and say it's a good thing.  It is not implemented in a way that means anything for the mass of the Indian public.  In India where democracy is exclusively preserved of the middle class and the rich. If outside certain charmed circle in each Indian state democracy brings very few practical benefits. The India democracy needs the accountable government, that is plainly lacking in the large part of the country.
India needs to go back and study the function of old India.  Constitutional assembly debates of the late 1940s are deeply inspirational. Indian constitution which it was promulgated in 1950 it is an incredible document. The ideas that contained in those documents and in the speeches of inspiration like DR. Ambedkar, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and so on.
India needs to sweep out the corrupt democracy that has spread in the course of in the last 15-20 years. The Indian democracy is an example that inspires people right across the world in the people of Asia and Africa in the wake of decolonization. But today this process of motivation is somehow stopped, just because of the corrupt democracy.
The Indian elections are under the question marks, the case of the bribe, EVM machines and lot more are the areas that stand in front of us with doubts. The democracy is converting into dictatorship and the politicians are either murderer, corrupts or the product of nepotism. 
Charles Bukowski said, " the difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in democracy you vote first and take orders later; in dictatorship, you don't have to waste your time voting"

The voters are plays the heart in democracy, lots of Indian voters are illiterate, took the bribe, or living in past. Indian democracy has to stand on their leg soon. Otherwise democracy will surely have resulted into Dictatorship.


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