Instability in Maldives and its impact on the India-Maldives relationship.

The Maldives is popularly known as a tourist place, situated in the Arabian Sea. But know the climate change and increasing sea level issues are becoming the identity of Maldives. The Maldives is drowning.  Not only the natural problems but now political issues arose in the Maldives. Maldivian politics are getting baffled. Instability in Maldivian politics is the reason for emergency issued by President Abdul Yameen. The internal political issue started in 2012, now in 2018 is heading towards the worse.
After 30 years of dictatorship of Abdul Gayum. In 2008, Maldives held its first democratic elections. Mohammad Nasheed became the first President who elected by democratic elections. But after 4 years things went wrong when h order against the judge accused of corruption in 2012. This decision led towards problematic situation for President Mohammad Nasheed and military opposed him.  This resulted in the resignation of President Mohammad Nasheed. After this, in 2013 President Yameen became elected and he misused is powers. And Mohammad Nasheed accused by president yameen. But under the anti-terrorism, he got free from prison.
Judiciary and president controversy led another level and hence caused emergency in the Maldives on 5th February 2018. Judge of Supreme Court was arrested because president yameen refused the judgment of judge and against of the release of political prisoners. President Yameen also implements the order against nine leading politicians of opposition party including former President Mohammad Nasheed. Yameen did this all to save his government in the Maldives if he didn’t this act majority in opposition cause, Yameen’s government would have been fall.
This instability in the Maldives is somehow reflecting the relation between India-Maldives relation. Including the reasons like, approximately 22,000 Indians are living in the Maldives, the security issues. In the Maldives, 25% teachers are from India and number of doctors. The Maldives is dangerous for the security of sea lanes. The Maldives is dangerous for India because of the expanding reaches of China in the Maldives, and their connection is building strong. The Indian Ocean is the geopolitical hub of powers and peace of this zone is ensuring for some time. And that’s why the Maldives political crisis important for India. The instability in the Maldives is an advantage for China and China doesn’t slip any single chance and exercised the diplomacy strategy. Maldives and China have also signed agreement on Free Trade Agreement (FTA).  This agreement opened many doors for China to spread the power. President Yameen said “counted China amongst the Maldives closest friends and most trusted and most dependable development partners.”
India has good relation with the Maldives; India helps the Maldives economically and politically. But even visited all the SAARC countries excepting the Maldives, even they request to PM Modi. The rumour has the PM Modi didn’t visit there just because of America pressurises them.
Former president Mohammad  Nasheed asked for help tweeting, “Saying ‘resolve things internally’ is akin to asking us to escalate the revolt, which can lead to chaos. Maldivians see India’s role positively: in ‘88 they came, resolved the crisis, and left. They were not occupiers but liberators. This is why Maldivians look to India now.” India has to decide the what is next step to take in India-Maldives relation, apart from China’s diplomat political strategy.


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