
Wired magazine is American magazine, published in march/april 1993 which is emerge science, technology, culture, economy. The owner of this magazine is Conde naste who is the publisher,
Entrepreneur, and publisher of brands such as vanity fair, vogue. Wire have readers more than 30million including online readers. This magazine always tried to uncover the mystery of technology. Wired organize the live event also. The headquarter of San Francisco, California. 
The wire magazine was founded by Louise Rossetto and his partner Jane Metcalf. Wired claimed itself as 'rolling stone of technology '. The magazine won two national awards for general excellence and on for design. The contributor appeared on cover William Gibson whose article  'Disneyland with the Death plenty" got banned in Singapore. The first issue got an advertisement of revolutionary technology companies like Apple Computer, Intel, Sony and Calvin Klein.
This American magazine has many different websites for different countries. Like HotWired for Japan and for Britain WiredUK.
They collaborated with Dot-com bubble in 1996. Dot-com bubble and other participants of Wired withdrawn in the loss of the company. That is the era when the growth of Wired get down, and Wired had to go to be end soon. No chance Wired got and every attempt was failed.
Then  Conade Nast publication gave the golden touch and somehow wired came back into the life.
In 2001 Chris Anderson contributed Wired to make it more 'mainstream'.  And make it more famous and profitable. In between 2002-2004 many famous articles and stories published by Wired. Which make the Wired to capture more focus in readers eye.
In 2005 Wired awarded as 'National Magazine Award' and Anderson awarded Advertising age's editor. In between of 2005-09 Wired awarded with many titles.  In 2006 writer Jeff Howf and Mark Robinson coined the term 'crowdsourcing'.

After the success of Wired, conade published many editions of Wired ( Italia and UK). 2012, Limor Fried was the first female who appeared on the cover of Wired.   


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