
Showing posts from August, 2017

Forrest Gump

Forrest  Gump is American drama/comedy movie. Starring tom hanks, robin wright, Gary sinise, sally field. Directed by Robert Zemeckis Movie is based on  novel of the same name by Winston Groom. A timeless and beautiful movie. Forrest Gump is truly a modern epic. It's hilarious, heartbreaking, sometimes breathtaking, and completely unforgettable. The scope is impressive. Never does the movie feel slight or insignificant. It encompasses the entire human emotional spectrum, is impeccably acted, especially by Hanks, and it contains some of the most memorable characters in film history. At the risk of sounding too overjoyed, it's an absolute classic. Forget the cynics and their campaign against anything emotionally touching. This is one of the greatest films of all time. It's an accomplishment that has stood the test of time and shows no sign of aging. The major conflict of the present movie is the stereotypes perception of mentally challenged people as cripples; Forrest

Warli Paintings

Warli is the name of the largest tribe found at the outskirts of Mumbai, Maharashtra The term 'warli' has its etymological roots in 'warla' meaning a piece of land or field. There is a belief among the historians that the tradition of Warli dates back to the Age between 2,500 BC and 3,000 BC. This has since moved across the territories and borders and has now become a precious possession of several art lovers and collectors. The Warlis are mainly a tribe dependant on agriculture and they live in thatched mud-huts, which are built is such a way that they all encircle a central cell. The houses of Warlis are decorated with a vocabulary of patterns. This practice encouraged to what it is presently called the Warli Paintings. Warli paintings largely demonstrate the basic components of life which are the primary themes or basis of any tribe. Warli art holds a special characteristic of exhibiting the humble life led by the Warli tribe.  Symbolism in Warli Paintings 


Scholars believe Gonds settled in Gondwana, now known as eastern MadhyaPradesh, between the ninth and thirteenth centuriesAD. Muslim writers describe a rise of Gond states after the fourteenth century. Gond dynasties ruled in four kingdoms (Garha-Mandla, Deogarh, Chanda, and Kherla) in central India between the sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries. Maratha power swept into Gond land in the 1740s. They overthrew Gondrajas(princes) and seized most of their territory. Some Gondzamindaris(estates) survived until recently. However, Gonds are similar to many tribal groups today in that they face severe economic hardships. Although some Gond groups own a great deal of land, others are classified as Scheduled Tribes, which means they need special social and economic help. FOLKLORE Hereditary bards and professional storytellers called Pardhans tell stories about Gond legends and myths. This makes for a rich oral tradition. In these stories, it is said that when Gond gods were bor


The origins of the game of badminton date back at least 2,000 years to the game of battledore and shuttlecock played in ancient Greece, China, and India. A very long history for one of the Olympics newest sports! Badminton took its name from Badminton House in Gloucestershire, the ancestral home of the Duke of Beaufort, where the sport was played in the last century. Gloucestershire is now the base for the International Badminton Federation. The IBF was formed in 1934 with nine members: Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, England, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The United States joined four years later. Membership increased steadily over the next few years with a surge in new members after the Olympic Games debut at Barcelona. The first big IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (men’s world team championships) in 1948. Since then, the number of world events has increased to seven, with the addition of the Uber Cup (ladies’ team), World Championships, Sudirman Cup (m

Paris Environmental Summit

The man-made factors influencing both incoming and outgoing energy are having far-reaching environmental, social, and economic consequences. Researchers have found that the uncontrolled human activities are the biggest cause of shift in weather conditions leading to changes in temperature, precipitation, winds, and other indicators. All these are causing Climate Change. It has been found that if such activities continues unabated at the present rate, then earth will be no longer will be a place to live by 2100. As such the issues related to climate change have become a huge global concern. There is a race to scale up efforts to tackle this upcoming global catastrophe. It is in this context, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is spearheading the campaign on climate change. It has roped in all the UN member countries to collectively tackle the issue of climate change. The UNFCCC has so far sponsored 21 ‘Organisation of Conference of Parties’ (COP)


Kambala, the Bull sport has raised many eyebrows after People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a petition under The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Kambala is a traditional slush track buffalo race which is practised annually in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts.  It is a popular sport among the farming community of the State. It is a festival which starts from November and lasts till March. It is inherently related to the rural ethos of the farming community.  Kambala sees the participation of 130-140 pairs of buffaloes and a crowd of around 20,000 spectators. As per a report in The Times of India, more than 45 Kambalas are held annually. The winner of Kambala also receives an award ranging from gold to cash rewards. Early days one track( kare, ಕರೆ )   is used for the race but from past 50 years , double track ( ಜೋಡು ಕರೆ ) is in use for the races . But the single track is also in use for traditional Kambala in some regions for conducting


The Second World War had its roots in the willingness of Japanese militarist, German Nazis, and Italian Fascists to go to war to get their own way. Their countries had grievances, which militarists, Nazis, and Fascists strenuously encouraged. For instance, the flaws in the Peace Settlement after the end of the First World War, which were exploited by unscrupulous leaders to predispose on power. Mainly, The Second World War occurred because Japan and Germany were prepared to use force for illegitimate purposes. Their reasons were partly economic, the pursuit for supplies which could only be obtained by plundering. Equally important might have been the role of the League of Nations which in its origins was severely handicapped by the non-membership of the U.S.A and eventually showed many weaknesses which tempted the aggressors to strike.  GERMAN AGGRESSION The war in Europe began in September 1939, when Germany, under Chancellor Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. Britain and Franc


Human rights are those rights that are fundamental for the human life. Human rights are rights to certain claims and freedoms for all human beings all over the world. These rights, besides being fundamental and universal in character, assumed international dimension. These rights ensure to make man free. Universalization of Rights without any distinction of any kind is a feature of human rights. These rights recognize the basic human needs and demands. Every country should ensure human rights to its citizens. The Human rights should find its place in the Constitution of every country. HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA : Human rights in India require the existence and protection of a well-regulated society. Only the society and the state can guarantee these human rights to the individual. But to enjoy these rights perfectly the citizens of India too must observe the social norms properly. However, in India under “the Protection of Human Rights 1993 (No. 10 of 1994)”, the Human Rights h

United Nations.

The United Nations Organization was founded in 24 October 1945 soon after the end of the Second World War. It is a world body with a large number of sovereign states as its members. Similarly at end of the First World War, the League of Nations was formed. It dominated the world politics for ten or fifteen years after which its influence deteriorated. It could not stand groupism and power politics. The Security Council is the most important organ of the U.N.O. It consists of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. Britain, France, U.S.A., Russia and China are the five permanent members. The duty of the Security Council is to investigate international disputes and to take suitable action in preventing danger to international peace.  The UN Charter stipulates that each primary organ of the United Nations can establish various specialized agencies to fulfil its duties. Some are as follows:- WORLD BANK GROUP ( WBG ): The term ‘World Bank Group’ encompasse

Pehlwani (kushti)

The style of Indian wrestling, also know as Pehlwani and the person referred as  Pehlwan It is likely that the word derives from the Iranian word "Pehalavi" denoting an Iranian people. Kushti, The traditional Indian wrestling takes place in “Akhada“. Akhada is a place for practicing the Indian wrestling, in another word, the school of wrestling. Indian wrestler or pehlwan live under some strict set of rules made by the trainer or ustad.There are very few Akhada’s are remaining in India. Some dedicated peoples are still working to keep alive The India Wrestling.This is very popular sport in India as well as in neighbor countries. Diet’s of Indian wrestler are very restricted it contains ghee milk along with almonds, green vegetables, a banana a, apple and water melon in fruits.Consumption of tobacco and alcohol are strongly prohibited for the Pahalwan of India. There are only few major place remain where the Indian wrestling is practice and the place is known as Ak

Sumerian Culture

While learning Sumerian culture I learned many interesting things that I was not aware of before. Many little known facts about Sumer will change the way that people feel about other ancient societies. Many advances that are not attributed to Sumeria, often were pioneered by this advanced culture long before others. Most people don't even know much about the origin of the Sumerian culture Sumer  was the first urban civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Ages, and arguably the first civilization in the world with Ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley. Living along the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, Sumerian farmers were able to grow an abundance of grain and other crops, the surplus of which enabled them to settle in one place. The people who originally lived in Sumer in 4000 BC were not really Sumerians. Sumers original inhabitants were in fact Ubaidians. The Ubaidi