Human rights are those rights that are fundamental for the human life. Human rights are rights to certain claims and freedoms for all human beings all over the world. These rights, besides being fundamental and universal in character, assumed international dimension.
These rights ensure to make man free. Universalization of Rights without any distinction of any kind is a feature of human rights. These rights recognize the basic human needs and demands. Every country should ensure human rights to its citizens. The Human rights should find its place in the Constitution of every country.

HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA: Human rights in India require the existence and protection of a well-regulated society. Only the society and the state can guarantee these human rights to the individual. But to enjoy these rights perfectly the citizens of India too must observe the social norms properly.
However, in India under “the Protection of Human Rights 1993 (No. 10 of 1994)”, the Human Rights have been defined in the following way:
2 (1) d) “Human rights” means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India.”
India has also enacted the protection of Human Rights Act in 1993 and also constituted the National Human Rights Commission, the State Human Rights Commission in different States and Human Right Courts.
In spite of these apparently fixed positions, some shifts are also visible in each perspective of human rights. Violation of human rights in India is now seen as violations of the democratic principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution as well as a violation of India’s international commitment of humanitarian international law and international covenants.
The analysis of the human rights should be made from three perspectives:
  • The Socio-Economic dimension of Human Rights in India,
  • The legal dimension of Human Rights in India and
  • The role of international organizations and NGOs in the promotion of human rights.

HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL FORUMS: Human rights are no longer concern of the people of any particular country. It has become an international issue.
The United Nations has adopted a Charter of Human Rights and it asks the governments to respect these rights of their citizens. On 10th day of December, 1948, the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the present day, world there is a lot of concern about the protection of human rights.
The problem about human rights varies from society to society. The entitlement of civil, political, economic, and social right of individuals varies from country to country according to the laws governing these rights of the citizens of that country.

The importance of the human rights movement is that it tells people that one cannot call a society a good and a just society until all its citizens enjoy these human rights. The human rights laws aims at eliminating unjust discrimination against any human being.
The concept of Human rights is based on the principle of human solidarity, cooperation, and development and access of all to the common heritage of humankind.
The impact and importance of human rights are so deep and strong that the constitutions of India, Indonesia, Costa Rica and other countries incorporated many of the provisions of rights codified in the said Declaration in their respective constitutions. This may be treated as a landmark the history of the progress of civilization.
The Charter of human rights exerts tremendous pressure on all political authorities. Strong vigilance is noticed throughout the world against the violation of human rights.

Even today, there are several instances of human rights violation at various places of the world. There can be no permanent and regular prosperity of human beings unless every country or nation creates such conditions in which human rights are enjoyed by its natives.


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