United Nations.

The United Nations Organization was founded in 24 October 1945 soon after the end of the Second World War. It is a world body with a large number of sovereign states as its members. Similarly at end of the First World War, the League of Nations was formed. It dominated the world politics for ten or fifteen years after which its influence deteriorated. It could not stand groupism and power politics.
The Security Council is the most important organ of the U.N.O. It consists of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. Britain, France, U.S.A., Russia and China are the five permanent members. The duty of the Security Council is to investigate international disputes and to take suitable action in preventing danger to international peace. 

The UN Charter stipulates that each primary organ of the United Nations can establish various specialized agencies to fulfil its duties. Some are as follows:-

The term ‘World Bank Group’ encompasses all the five institutions, while the term ‘World Bank’ refers specifically to IBRD and IDA out of the five.

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. It is made up of two unique development institutions-the IBRD and the IDA, owned by 185 member countries. Each institution plays a different but supportive role in its mission of reducing global poverty and improving living standards.
The IBRD focuses on middle-income and creditworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses on the poorest countries in the world. Together these institutions provide low-interest loans, interest-free credit, and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communication, and many other purposes.
The World Bank is run like a co-operative, with member countries as its shareholders. The number of shares a country has is based roughly on the size of its economy. The US is the single largest shareholder with 16.41 per cent of votes, followed by Japan (7.87%), Germany (4.49o/o), the UK (4.31%), and France (4.31%). The rest of the share is divided among its other member countries.

It stands for the International Labour Organization It came into existence on April 11, 1919 and was associated with the League of Nations. Now it is working in co-operation with U.N.O. as its specialized agency.
It consists of 32 members, represent­ing the government and 8 each representing the employers and the workers. The governing body carries out the policy framed by the conference.
The I.L.O. seeks to promote social justice by improving the conditions of the workers all over the world. It further affirms that labour is not a commodity; freedom of expression and of association are essential to human progress; poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere; and that war against want should be carried on everywhere.

The World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948 to deal
with major health issues of the world. Some of the tasks the
organization looks after are to co-ordinate medical research, monitor
and combat the infectious diseases of the world, and to help
developing countries set up adequate health services. The WHO has over
150 member countries with its headquarters Geneva, Switzerland. The
aim of the WHO is ‘to help people attain the highest possible levels
of health. The policy of WHO is to promote human resources development and health was established in 1976. The overwhelming majority of the healthcare organizations expenditures is for wages, salaries, training, benefits and supervision of workers. Thus the productivity and performance of these institutions depends upon the workers and the conditions of work performance. Two of the forces considered for major reforms in personnel subsystems in a healthcare setting in this organization is accountability and humanism  Accountability can be defined as the processes to provide evidence that the expenditures for attainment of the set goals in healthcare actually achieves those set objectives or otherwise makes available the measurements of deficits and implementation of plans for improvement. Alternatively humanism means that healthcare should be concerned about the whole being of human beings rather than a cluster of presentation of symptoms, disabilities or diseases. 

IFAD provides low-interest loans and grants to developing countries to finance innovative agricultural and rural development programmes and projects. The Fund is among the top three multilateral institutions working in agriculture in Africa, and is the only institution that has focused exclusively on smallholder development. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have guided IFAD's work since 2000, in particular the first goal to halve the proportion of people suffering from hunger and extreme poverty by 2015.
Since starting operations, IFAD has invested more than $12.5 billion in grants and low-interest loans, supporting about 860 programmes and projects that have helped about 370 million people achieve better lives for themselves and their families. Co-financing has been provided by governments, project participants, multilateral and bilateral donors, and other partners.

Since starting operations, IFAD has invested more than $12.5 billion in grants and low-interest loans, supporting about 860 programmes and projects that have helped about 370 million people achieve better lives for themselves and their families. Co-financing has been provided by governments, project participants, multilateral and bilateral donors, and other partners.
Over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification becoming one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world. (UNWTO, 2011) Tourism plays an important role in the economies of a number of ASEAN as well as other Asian countries. (Nasreen & Toan Than, 2011)
International tourist arrivals for Asia and the Pacific area have increased significantly over the years, taking the second largest market share of the tourism industry in the world. This saw a historic high of 204 million, 24 million more than in 2009 and 20 million above the 2008 pre-crisis peak. (UNWTO, 2011)
Growth was also seen in terms of the international tourism receipts whereby 17,819 million (US$) was obtained having a 7.2% share in the Asia and the Pacific region. (UNWTO, 2011)



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