Climate Change.


Climate is weather of a place. In different areas the place has its own climate. Some has dry and warm climate, some has snowy climate all the time. Earth has its own climate. After combining the all climates of the places of earth we get the climate of earth.

Climate change

Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year.

Or it could be a change in a place's usual temperature for a month or season.

Changing the time of snow, rainfall  or changing weather, the increasing and decreasing in temperature of earth is climate change of earth.

Climate is not like weather, it can't change in just few hours.

Climate takes hundreds or even millions of years to change. Some causes of climate change are natural. These include changes in Earth's orbit and in the amount of energy coming from the sun. Ocean changes and volcanic eruptions are also natural causes of climate change.

Scientist thinks that In mid 1900 after increased usage of burning  of oil and gases the increased burning of fossil fuel. Burning and usage these fuels is how we produce most of the energy that we use every day. This burning adds heat-trapping gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air. These gases are called greenhouse gases.

The climate of earth is not constant.

There have been times when Earth's climate has been warmer than it is now. There have been times when it has been cooler. These times can last thousands or millions of years.

We can see the changes in climate now, raising sea level after glacier's are melting the temperature is raising day by day. The growing seasons and the rainfall is now changing their patterns.

People who study Earth see that Earth's climate is getting warmer. Earth's temperature has gone up about one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. This may not seem like much. But small changes in Earth's temperature can have big effects. Increasing the temperature caused raising of ocean-level because ice cubes or glaciers are melting. And it has changed the timing of when certain plants grow.

Many things can cause climate to change all on its own. Earth's distance from the sun can change. The sun can send out more or less energy. Oceans can change. When a volcano erupts, it can change our climate.

It's all change is not only natural ting the human behaviour plays vital role in climate changing. The increasing pollution, usage the insane use fuels and natural resources, cutting trees and deforestation, over population and industrial development is some of the reason which we blame to climate change in vicious way.

Scientist thinks that the climate will change keep going for like 100 years. These causes melting in snow and ice. The north and south pole are in danger. The increasing level in sea. Some places would get hotter and some would get colder, the change in climate is lead to unexpected change in season, irregular rainfall affects the crops and farmers. As we all know Indian farmer is depends on rains. The climate change is nightmare for them. Changing climate causes the increasing number of hurricanes. The stronger hurricanes are destroying evrything in these past  recent years. Some NASA satellites look at Earth's land, air, water, and ice. Other tools look at the sun and the energy it sends out. Together, these are important for learning about Earth's climate.

Not all the changes happen in sudden or taking a long jump, it always starts with a single step ahead. Like increasing usage of natural resources and neglecting the warning sign of nature gave us, leads us and our planet in horrifying condition. Now we’ve to take a step ahead towards the some precautions and change habits. Just switching off lights and electric device, when we are not using them can help. Less use of vehicle, can save fuel, improves health. Boycott of plastics bags and using paper bags or fabric bags instead of polythenes   helps us. The importance of jungle, in our climate change we all know about. Planting trees is important in prevention in climate change. We have to learn more about earth to know how to prevent earth from climate change and global warming. And help ourselves to live and breathe in fresh air and non-polluted air as well as water. Using less energy and water can help us.

Climate change strike us economically also and its hard to predict. But it’s safe to say that many key economic sectors from fishing to energy to water utilities will feel long-term impacts of climate change. From warming seas, which encourage the proliferation of non-native species that impact fishing industries, to rising temperatures, which impact energy usage around the world, our shifting global climate will force many industries to move quickly to adapt to change.

Climate change and global warming affects tourism also. Many governments and tourism industries planning rescue based on historic weather patterns, which climate change will disrupt. As we move into an era in which climate change impacts are all around us, adapting to these changes quickly will be key for all sectors of the global economy. During the late 1980s, one more term entered the lexicon, “global change.” This term encompassed many other kinds of change in addition to climate change. When it was approved in 1989, the U.S. climate research program was embedded as a theme area within the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

But in june1988, the term global warming got popular by NASA scientist James E. Hansen when he used to testified congress about  climate change with global warming , He said: "global warming has reached a level such that we can ascribe with a high degree of confidence a cause and effect relationship between the greenhouse effect and the observed warming." But temperature change itself isn't the most severe effect of changing the climate. Changes to precipitation patterns and sea level are likely to have a much greater human impact than the higher temperatures alone. For this reason, scientific research on climate change encompasses far more than surface temperature change. So "global climate change" is the more scientifically accurate term. Like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we've chosen to emphasize global climate change on this website and not global warming.

1990, yearly emissions have gone up by about 6 billion metric tons of "carbon dioxide equivalent" worldwide, more than a 20 percent increase.

The unusual rapid changes and increasing temperature of earth over the past few years led us where the earth is now in a stage horrify us. But we are still neglecting it and doing things that still harm our earth and climate. The wastage of water, cutting trees, and usage fossil fuels in uncontrolled manner.  The greenhouse gases are already trapped us in high temperature. Global warming is due to the enhancing greenhouse gases emission and build-up in the Earth's environment. The gases that have an influence on the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, dinitrogen-oxide, and methane. Almost 30 percent of incoming sunlight is reflected back into space by bright surfaces like clouds and ice. In the other 70 percent, most is absorbed by the land and ocean, and the rest is absorbed by the atmosphere. The absorbed solar energy heats our planet. This absorption and radiation of heat by the atmosphere is beneficial for life on Earth. Today, the atmosphere contains more greenhouse gas molecules, so more of the infrared energy emitted by the surface ends up being absorbed by the atmosphere. Some of the factors that have an effect on climate, like volcanic eruptions and changes in the amount of solar energy, are natural. Climate can change if there is a change in the amount of solar energy that gets to the Earth.

Volcano eruptions can really affect climate, because when it erupts it spews out more than just lava and ash. Because of this particle is generally is sulfur dioxide and it came into stratosphere and reflect solar radiation back out to space.

Because of climate change and global warming mankind is in danger but the animals are also suffering from it. The changes in climate affect animals and their lifestyle. It effects biodiversity.  The various species and creatures are in danger and some of them are already ended. The raising temperature in sea is also effect the aquatic animal. Polar bear in north pole is also in terrible stage.

The penguins are also suffering from it, glacier melting brought a major problem for their lifestyle and food intake as well as reproduction. The eggs of penguins are not getting the atmosphere that they need  to help them. Many animals are suffering because we humans are getting obsessed with technology and selfish and careless behaviour. Because the animals are also part of our planet that keep our planet balanced.

Climate change is a biggest problem infront of us we can solve it. If we do simply changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise it will leads towards the problem that we will never solve.



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